Friday 31 July 2015


PR, drinks on the job, and some pretty pretty pastels.


In case you went ahead and skipped the About page, here are a few little things about me:

  • I'm Vicky and I'm 19 years old. I was an English and Classics student but wasn't feelin it, so I'm back to the drawing board and a lot undecided.
  • I've been blogging in various forms for too many years....too many...but this is me trying to have a somewhat Serious shot at it. Hopefully not too serious though, not sure I could manage that.
  • Aside from writing a lot of unfinished poems, I love clothes and fashion-y things. I've always been a total clothes hoarder, and that habit seems set to continue. I'm interested in trends and the way they filter through different stages of the fashion industry, but I'm more interested in the influence of trends and their artistic origins. That's a very pretentious statement, on second thought. I actually just like aesthetically pleasing things and things that are ugly in a really nice appealing way.
  • I'm into music too, and I am so keen about the symbiotic relation between music and fashion in culture!
  • Vivienne Westwood was my idol at 10 years old and I think that's a fairly good starting point for finding out who I am.
  • I collect lipstick and plants. Dogs are my favourite. I'm a feminist and get rowdy about social justice and politics. I'm in a very strange place right now.
  • Hopefully lots of style posts and other lifestyle things will be coming soon xoxoxoxo
lots of love, vicky :)